On MBA at MNIT Jaipur

In India, management education began in the 1950s in the universities where the commerce departments existed. Gradually, the dominance of commerce declined, and engineering gained ground. This decade will be about AI and machine learning, advanced analytical skills and evidence-based decision making, which is why the timing is apt for the amalgamation of science and management. Malaviya National Institute of Technology (MNIT) Jaipur, one of the leading technology institutes in India, serves as a wonderful ground for such collaboration.

About MNIT Jaipur: MNIT Jaipur, established almost 60 years ago and currently ranked 37 in the country, was accorded the National Institute of Technology (NIT) status in 2002. It is autonomous, fully funded by the Ministry of Education and an Institute of National Importance - a status given by the Government exclusively to a few premier institutions. Its campus is over 300 acres with fantastic teaching, training, and research facilities. For a grand virtual tour, click here. The institute has 13 departments and three centres educating more than 5000 students. The alumni base is solid. More details here.

About DMS, MNIT Jaipur: The Department of Management Studies (DMS) at MNIT Jaipur was started as a centre in 1996. Since then, it has provided high-quality management education to students from all academic backgrounds across the country. It offers MBA as well PhD degrees. More information is here.

Committee Room, DMS, MNIT Jaipur; Image by the Students' Social Media Cell

MBA at DMS, MNIT Jaipur: As MBA programs became popular, institutions mushroomed all over the country. These include the IIMs, IITs, NITs, Universities and autonomous Business-schools. While mushrooming improved access, it added to the confusion among students making the critical choice of a post-graduation (PG) degree.

Against this backdrop, why should one pursue MBA at MNIT Jaipur? Here are some first-hand, experience-based insights into the department.

One, MNIT Jaipur, as an Institute of National Importance, offers a degree rather than a diploma awarded by business schools under the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE).

Two, most MBA entrance examinations are slightly skewed towards quantitative aptitude. But DMS gives due weightage to graduation and PG (if any) scores, work experience, and personal interviews.

Three, being a fully-funded government institution, the total cost of two years MBA degree comes to roughly about Rs. 3.5 lakhs, quite low as compared to other private business schools.  

Four, there is a placement office and a team facilitating and assisting students. Also, there are students' clubs leading activities and events.

Five, the faculty selection process at the institute is pretty competitive. Due to the benefits of a government job, the institute attracts bright applicants from the IIMs, IITs and foreign universities.

Six, the NIT setup is designed to promote innovation and flexibility. The curriculum is revised regularly; pedagogy is contemporary, open-book, and other innovative evaluation methods are encouraged.

Seven, the program makes one a part of the institution's illustrious alumni group, including IAS officers and CEOs, given its legacy of more than five decades.

Eight, the institution is home to bright students from diverse economic, ethnic, regional, religious, and academic backgrounds. It broadens one's horizon to be part of such a diverse peer group.

Nine, the program gives access to a sprawling, well-connected campus with an opportunity to collaborate with those from science and engineering. One can attend seminars and meet visitors from all over the world who come to MNIT; the scope isn't restricted to DMS.

Finally, in a batch of reasonable size with an optimal student-teacher ratio, everyone has an opportunity to participate, shine, and thrive.

DMS has come a long way in two decades, but still there are miles to go. For this, there must be students willing to grow with the department because, practically, an institution is only as good as the combined effort of its students and teachers. So, the best way would be to come and join the team.

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Assistant Professor, Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur. PhD, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee. Wesbsite: ritikamahajan.com