On Diwali and the loss of a loved one

Diwali is one of the most beautiful festivals celebrated in India. If you’ve ever walked through the streets at this time—adorned with colors, lights, and glitter amid the joyful chaos—you’ll know exactly how this season feels. In northern India, the season transitions to a very mild chill, soaked in the scent of flowers and the warmth of earthen lamps. Lately, as capitalism and migration have forced people out of their homes to work in bigger cities, Diwali is about homecoming. It is a time for families to unite and spend some time together.

But what about the changes within families? Some transitions, like new relationships, bring joy. But some beyond our control, where loved ones are lost, leave family members wondering what Diwali will feel like this year. If you are experiencing it, this piece is for you—to be with you.

The first is always the hardest—whether it’s the first heartbreak, failure, accident, theft, big fight, or any kind of loss. So, this Diwali will feel heavy, very heavy. It will bring back memories. It will fill your heart with pain, taking you back to gatherings, shared meals, lights you set up together, clothes you exchanged, and the arguments amid the joyful chaos. As these memories return, you may feel conditioned to surrender to sadness but resist that urge. Instead, listen to your instinct; and if that fails, return to this piece.

Hold your memories close, for those you’ve lost are with you. Sometimes, when you're beneath a tree, and the branches sway, or leaves fall—it’s them. When you stare at distant stars—it's them. When a fresh breeze brings the scent of flowers, it’s them. When you see a stranger smile or show kindness for reasons unknown, they are within you. When you feel warmth in your body, they flow through your veins. And when you close your eyes, they close theirs, meeting you there.

When they left, they left you with loads of memories filled with countless emotions. This is your treasure, which makes you human, the best kind of human. While love can be selfish, it can also be liberating. You may have lost some love, but you gained so much more. This Diwali, celebrate what’s within you—with you!

"May this Diwali bring you light—both in the joy of celebration and the warmth of memories. Shubh Diwali to you and those who live on in your heart."

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Assistant Professor, Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur. PhD, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee. Wesbsite: ritikamahajan.com